My name is Jeziah Justice. I have spent over ten years in the construction industry, with a special passion for carpentry. Outside of work, I can be found hiking, camping, beekeeping, and spending time with my beautiful wife and children on our homestead in Northeast Fort Wayne. It is with the love and support of my family that I began this company, in hopes to create a better future for them, and a better home for yours.

My Story
In 2010, I became inspired to acquire a skillset that I could use to help others. It is through this search, that I found a passion for carpentry and building. In 2023, after 13 years of growing in my field, I decided it was time to grow my skills to another level. It is then that Justice Construction & Remodeling was born. Founded in the drive to be of aid to others, I am committed to hearing about your visions and finding a way to make those dreams come true. Whether you are in need of a simple repair being made, or are fantasizing about a bigger bathroom, Justice Construction & Remodeling is here to make those reveries a reality.